
I am woman, hear me roar!

05 May 2010

Beth and Chy: for future reference

This one is for our daughters, Chy and Beth.

You see, Dad and I do not want to come off as uptight, overly-strict parents from the Neanderthal age. Please do not think that we are narrow-minded, demanding, critical parents. And we are not mean people either. Its just that no boy will ever be good enough for you. Ever.

Okay, maybe that is somewhat an exaggeration of the truth, but you understand what I am trying to say.

You see, whenever the subject of 'potential boyfriends' are brought up, both of you seem to expect that Dad and I will be calm and cool about it. Ladies,do not get your hopes too high. We wont ever be. Now that is NOT an exaggeration.

To help you understand our viewpoint about this, I have listed some items that your Dad and I will look for in your future potential mate (emphasis on the word future). This may be considered a part of a longer checklist, detailing minimum requirement and subject to change without prior notice.

1. Must dress appropriately, with a hairstyle that is socially acceptable and a complete set of teeth- Needless to say, he needs to look good and smell good; no body odor, no halitosis. You cannot expect us to feel comfortable seeing you with someone who does not even bother to look presentable. Don't get me wrong- we are not looking for Hollywood glamor and a Tom Cruise smile here...just do not bother to introduce someone who does not take a bath or trim his nails or have the hair on his nose sticking out. It just wouldn't be comfortable for any of us.
Seriously, we are all measured by how we present ourselves. It reflects how we want to be perceived and how we view ourselves. Now I am not talking about style or brand or cost of the outfit. Its the cleanliness and the effort extended to looking good for you.

2. Must be well mannered and be able to demonstrate common courtesy. We expect him to open doors for you, help you carry stuff and be a complete and true gentleman around you. How will we know? Well for one, we observe, even when you think we do not. Remember when you were little and we said we have more than two eyes? It's true.
We observe the way they sit, the way they stand, the way they look at you. We notice whether they chew with their mouth open and how they hold their forks, whether or not they cross their legs (shoes off? yuck!!) and how close they sit next to you.(Tip: when Dad clenches his fists, that means it's too close). We are not looking for perfection, just a semblance of culture and education.

3. Must speak clearly, respectfully and in a comprehensible manner. This is not to make fun of people with speech defects. What I mean is, he has to make sense. Some sense is good, no sense is un-good.
What makes sense? Its a combination and proportion of things. While we are not requiring an Albert Einstein-esque brain, we need to see substance there. I know we like talking about funny, nonsensical things and that is okay..but dump him if he talks dumb all the time. Your mind needs mental stimulation. Trust me, you will get bored out of your mind.

4. Drop-by or call at the appropriate time, please. We are old school. No calls, texts, IMs, visits past 10PM.

5. Must blend well with your siblings, our Woggy, Dad's Kois. My Lolo Gaudencio once told me that a person who demonstrates sincere tenderness to plants, animals and children are innately good. He who is kind to the weak and the defenseless is cool and worthy. We frown at bullies and rude kids. We are unimpressed with loud, obnoxious and self-centered individuals, no matter who they are. We unleash our killer Kois and have them attack bad people.

In essence, we just want to be reassured that you will be treated well and with respect, as you so richly deserve. We need to know that your usual opinion and sharp criticism of life and all that surrounds you are heard- for you do have good things to say. We need to know that you see as much as you can and hear what you ought to. Most importantly, we want for the both of you to grow up to your full potentials, reaching as far high as you are willing to reach yet remain humble and grounded enough in order for you to experience the real and true meaning of life and love.

More importantly, take your time. Do not be in such a hurry. Life is a glorious experience that needs to be savored slowly and not in haste. Enjoy your youth while you can; it won't stay with you for so long... it never does. You have to trust your old folks on this.

Those pretty boys better watch out. Dad and his killer Kois are watching.

Mom aka MrsA

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