
I am woman, hear me roar!

24 November 2010

I'm back!

Six long months.

That's how long it has been since my last entry. I cannot even remember when I stopped and why. I think I got overwhelmed by the renovation of our new home and the thousand little and big things that we needed to do to move in and get settled. I guess I will tell you about all that later on, when I actually remember.

Our family had a wonderful Christmas holiday and I have photos and videos and excess body fat to prove it. Yes, i am one of those people who equate 'good time' with food. I also am one who yo-yo's at the slightest increase in intake and now after all the Happy Donuts (I like it!?!), Twinkies and Dingdongs and Snowballs and the many delicious meals at my in-laws,I have to shift once again to healthy eating and continue on with my newly-found love-hate relationship with exercise.

Wish me luck!
