
I am woman, hear me roar!

13 January 2010

Today's bargain find- Books!

This is an attempt to turn this into something other than a food blog and switch on to my other interests- reading and bargain hunting.

Yesterday's find were paperbacks at a book sale. Whenever I get a chance to visit the mall, my feet usually take me to a store that sells books, like i am drawn to it. I have a knack at finding them even without much effort. Its instinctive that I somehow know where they are. Pretty much like how hogs know where the truffles are underground.

I came home with four books for Php 198. That's 2 books for PhP 99. Quite a steal really, its actually cheaper than a visit to Starbucks for a grande frappucino and a pastry- minus the calories that I don't really need.

Books take you to places you've never been, gives you a look at lives of people that you will never meet and gives you a perspective that's far from your own. Recently, I've grown a fondness for cook books and books cataloged under humor- i hate feeling sad or scared or angry. I don't need to pick on someone's work nor spend money to get those emotions. I just tune in on our local news or watch the presidential debates on TV for that. Or I just look at the mirror.

I started with Martha, Really and Cruelly- The Complete Unauthorized Autobiography of (you guessed it) Martha Stewart. Now this I just grabbed cause there was nothing else that struck my fancy and let me tell ya, I am glad I did. Authors Connor and Downey painted a picture of Martha's alleged dark side- controlling, self-centered and mean -completely different from the amiable, ideal homemaker that she is on TV. It's quite funny. I think I like her dark side more than the one in cable TV.

Confessions of a Sociopathic Social Climber is a favorite. I felt like I was talking to my evil self. I have a feeling that if I rip off the covers and have H read it, he would think that it was about me.

Erma Bombeck is timeless. Of course, she hilariously describes domestic life in the golden days and more than her self-depreciating humor, its interesting to learn about how different things were before iPod and internet, when all phones had rotary dials and were wired to the wall.

Autobiographies are books I treasure and started reading early in life. Being a Marcos baby, I read that he had a vast collection of these in order to learn from the past and avoid the same mistakes in the future. Makes sense to me.
I've read about the lives of a variety of people- from ones who attained unbelievable successes to the Hollywood-types like Lucille Ball and the King of Pop.

For inspiration in cooking, I have the ever-reliable Betty Crocker for fool-proof recipes, Martha Stewart Pies and Tarts and a Filipino cooking icon Nora Daza for filipinized versions of french, american and of course local cuisines. I smile when I come across ingredients like Liberty Condensada. Is it still in the market?

So now I rate yesterday's shopping experience with four stars plus one for the price. H will be proud and happy that I continue to save money. He will even love the fabulous pair of shoes that I bought to celebrate!


I received a cookbook (Cafe by the Ruins: Memories and Recipes) last Christmas from Bam, a dear friend and fellow foodie and I cannot wait to try out the recipes. I shall attempt to recreate a classic recipe from this famous Baguio spot and I will share it with you in another blog entry.

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