
I am woman, hear me roar!

31 May 2010

Bargain Find: A thirty year old rotary phone (that works!)

I passed by furniture shop last week and collaborated with them on how to transform the large,overly-masculine black couch that H owned circa BN (before N/before the heavens blessed him with me)to a piece that will somehow blend with how I envision our future home. After all the haggling, sketching and the final selection of the fabric to be used (Shhhhhhh........Don't tell H that I have decided not to use leather/leather-like material like he insists!), I chanced upon a thrift shop and decided to pass by and see if they have large cast iron pans (To understand the relevance of the pans, please check out my previous posts).

I looked around and asked and found nothing that resembled decent cookware. Oh, well. I turned to leave then suddenly something caught my attention; something that triggered memories of my childhood. Something totally cool and awesome that I decided to buy it even without testing it, just for the sheer pleasure of having one.

Now if you know me, I am NOT and will NEVER be an impulse shopper- no matter what H tells you. I have the emotional quotient of block of cheese. I will only buy practical,necessary stuff. Its true! I never buy on impulse.

But this one is different. Its whimsical and fun and cool and the damn thing works.

Okay, I take it back. I would have felt like a complete moron and would probably kick myself if it didn't work. But hey- its a great conversation piece and the kids tripped on how different old appliances were; It is thirty years old, works like a charm and cost almost that not reason enough to buy it?

Call me on my rotary phone soon, okay?

PS: The photo of the rotary phone was taken in our kitchen (not at the store). I just thought that newer phones provided a good backdrop to my latest find and should emphasize the age of the contraption. The clutter is the writer's own.

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